Absman Blabs, Man

Wow - this is like a dream come true, to see absmans420 return to POLLINATION — THE SERIES. One thing that is so amazing about your writing is that, despite the same thing happening (the plant pollinating), each time is comes out differently, whether it’s because of your description or what happens, or because of its narrative context. What made the creation of the Great One so special was that it was not what we expected. Perhaps the Great One has to function like a queen bee and replicate many children to serve as soldiers. (He’s the one person who seems to have totally removed his human existence and memory.) Perhaps the plant evolves so that more people are turned into multiple great ones (or maybe not-so-great ones?).
One loose end was the guy on the motorcycle heading north. Not sure what you wanted to do with him, or just get him out of the way.
Whatever you do, I’m sure it’ll be fabulous!


You’re not far off. To use your metaphor: what a drone is to a queen, vs what a drone is to a worker bee. Does that make sense?

I open the first part of Book 2 with him. Believe it or not, I actually “knew” why he was headed to Quebec the whole time. It’s just taken me fifteen years to get around to writing it. HINT: it’s the most “Dickensian” moment we’ve had so far, aka “my favorite plotting bit EVER!” Hahahahaha.

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I’ve finished the first “section” (I’m using this word in lieu of “chapter”) of the New Book (“Book 2”) and am about 2/3 of the way through the second. I’m surprised and overjoyed that I’m producing as quickly as I am – it’s proving to be great fun to play with these characters again.

I have a general idea of where I’m going over the next few Sections, and a (very rough) uber-arc for the whole, but otherwise, I’m following the same technique I used in the First Book – I’m making it up as I go along.

Before I release any of the New, I edited and rewrote some of Book One, so I’ll be re-publishing that first, probably in that Section-A-Day style I love so much, but everyone else hates. I would like to get a little further ahead before I do, though. I like having a buffer.

Dickensian moment? Don’t tell me that Mike Milano moved to Quebec!! :rofl:

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Just a question, @absman420: Do you write the entire thing and then release it chapter by chapter, or do you write a section, release it, and then wonder where to take it? In other words, do you have the entire story arc in your mind when you start, or does it become clear only later?

A little of both. Most of the time, with intentional multi-chapter works, I have an overall arc in mind. Sometimes I know where I’m going to go exactly, sometimes I don’t know all the details when I set out but I trust myself to figure it out before I get there.

I know this sounds cheesy, but a lot of times, the characters “tell” me what they want to do – in that, the story arcs often time manifest as I work with them, leading to subplots and plot possibilities that I didn’t first realize. That’s happened a LOT with POLL:TS – that’s one of the reasons the cast is so unbelievably large. (And I’m adding new characters, too!)

The plot I WANT to do with this – I’ve mentioned King’s THE STAND before – is very grand in scale, though I think the writer I am now can handle it. Fifteen years ago, it felt like I was juggling too many balls – now, I just want more balls.

To answer the meat of your question, I like to be five or six chapters ahead and have a buffer when releasing it. I’m slow and hate making people wait.


But… you’re making us wait now. And I, for one, hate it. :grinning:

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I understand – I really do. It’s how we used to feel between issues of comic books, or sequels to our favorite Star Wars movie, a feeling that’s almost lost nowadays: anticipation. The child-like excitement of Xmas eve. With our Netflix-induced binge mentality, we’ve forgotten the noble suffering of waiting.

That said, I’d like to be a few more sections ahead before I start posting – I like a comfortable buffer. I’ve said a million times I’m a slow writer (actually, a quick writer but a painstaking editor – a solid second-draftsman haha) I’m very pleased with what I’m turning out so far (I’m in the second new section as I write this) and the energy of this discussion is helping a LOT! (That’s the other reason to post multi’s the way I do – when people are enjoying/discussing what I’m doing in the early chapters, it gives me the energy to finish the later ones.)

It’s not my intent to make you suffer, just salivate. I’m excited that so many people are excited about this.


This made my day


For all First-Time posters, we have a lovely welcome gift for you: this lovely plant! I know the flower looks a little like a penis, but its uniqueness is quite a conversation starter with friends. Enjoy!


I finished “chapter 2” of Book 2 yesterday, though I did a final read-thru this morning (after giving it some time to rest).

I had a little indecision about where to start “chapter 3” – there are a couple of major characters that I haven’t checked in on, yet, and I know the reading audience is going to be wondering about them.

Visiting the old text really helped. There were a couple of twists and turns in my original plot that I’d forgotten about, stuff that ended up inspiring me. I think that’s the most difficult part of revisiting something I wrote more than a decade ago – the details.

With all that in mind, I got a good start on “Chapter 3” – I’m two sections in! Though I wasted almost twenty minutes this morning trying to figure out where the Army guys were being held…

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YEAH!!! The army guys are back!!!

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And working like a unit!

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Please don’t keep me waiting too long; looking forward to seeing what they’re up to.

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I confess it – I’m not a car guy!

They’ve never interested me. I never went through a boyhood “car” phase. I’ve purchased one new car in my lifetime and even then, I went for the least expensive – function over form. (Even now, my husband and I have owned the same car for the last twelve years. We call it the “dog” car, cause we only use it to cart the dogs around. Otherwise we ride our bikes.) I barely even know one brand/ make from another.

So as I’m getting all of these characters in the story travelling, I’m forced to put them in cars/ trucks/ suv’s/ etc and I’ve been having to decide who would ride in what. All the weird search engine stuff I’ve done over the last few days is going to fuck with my algorithm.

On the other hand, I did design my own 2021 Jaguar F-Type online today. That’s a sweet car.

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Put Chapter 3 of the New Stuff through a second draft today and feel really good about it!

I’m feeling ready to share…


Just finished Chapter 4 of New Stuff. Very excited to get reactions!


Not as excited as I am to read the new stuff!


I’m awaiting your reaction most of all! (You and rubbrsome – whom we haven’t heard from in a good couple minutes.) It’s great to hear comments from long-time readers as well as first-time readers – it means a great deal to me.

I hope I don’t disappoint.


The last chapter of BOOK ONE goes up today, meaning BOOK TWO starts tomorrow! Some of you have been waiting 14 years for this to finally move forward – I’m VERY excited to get your feedback.

I’m working on the fifth chapter of Book Two, which gives me a comfortable lead since I’ll only be posting one a week. I sincerely doubt I’ll catch up to myself and be struggling with deadlines. (In truth, it’s happened before…) Luckily, this is all coming to me fairly easily and, like my teachers always said, “when you’re producing, produce!” So I’m writing without looking back.

I AM looking forward, tho. As I said, I’m about five chapters in, and from where I stand now, I really don’t think BOOK TWO is going to be the conclusion of the story.

Not at the rate I’m moving.

Looks like there might be a BOOK THREE in all this.

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