Good and Bad Feedback

“Old school”. I don’t even know what that means. Has porn changed recently? Is sex different now?

Well, if ‘new school’ is one long, incoherent, stream of consciousness babble I’ll take old school every day.


Some things about sex have changed. The one example that always stands out to me is that there’s a lot more asking for explicit consent during sex, where most of us “old school” types would assume implicit consent: “Is it okay if I touch your face?” instead of simply touching the face unless told not to; “Are you ready to be fucked?” instead of starting to play with the guy’s ass and assuming they’ll speak up if they don’t want it…that sort of thing. In many relationships, blanket consent will be given for a lot of these things, but sometimes not if it’s a sensitive topic/area/whatever.

So, it could be something like that where the physical act hasn’t changed, but the way the act comes about and the way it’s talked about has. I would suggest messaging him and asking for specific examples (or I’m happy to do it myself if you feel you’d get defensive or what have you).

I went and read the comment. Sounds like someone who wants a very specific thing, right down to the Insta model they prefer. I wouldn’t read too much into it.

We’ll never please everyone. Write for the people who love you.



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Well said. I try not to take criticism too personally but yes sometimes it does strike home. Actually I would prefer a private message to me with a subjective critique but that’s just me.

While I’m here, on a sidenote, I just wanted to tell you personally how much I enjoy your stories. I always look for them and enjoy reading them. I apologize for not having taken the time to comment or to tell you that fact. I can’t promise I won’t be equally remiss in the future but just know I think your stories have always rocked and inspired.

I did not really understand what that comment was trying to say exactly…it was hovering in circles over and over again just to say you’re “old school”…? A bit of a troll moment there to me.

Anyway, I haven’t read too many of your stories, Absman420, so I can’t compare how “old school” you might be. But so what even if you’re indeed “old school”? Not only the “up to date” stuff deserve comments or praise, there’s an audience for more mature storylines too and they can be just as good as supposedly more “current times” stories and deserve as much appreciation.


I think classic Stimle and Longhorn are still some of if not the best hands down stories told in this genre. Old school? That shit would be a compliment to me!


Imagine, if you will, that all of the “sublime moments of appreciation” inspired by your stories had happened in the same room.

Yes, it would in fact look like a bukkake warzone.

~just sayin’


Thank you very much! What a kind comment. You made my day.

If we could fill a hot tub with it, it would be a scene straight out of PLAYING WITH FanTCdude’s TOYS…

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‘Classic’ Stimle vs. ‘New’ Stimle? LOL

There’s also Stimle Zero and Cherry Stimle :smile:

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Oh, um… OMG

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I also get the occasional comment along the lines of “I’ve been reading your stories for decades and now I still like them but I’ve moved on” which makes me feel old school. I don’t know exactly what is meant by moving on, I guess that because my stories don’t have a lot of kinks outside the mind control, they mean things like rubber, tentacles, etc… I also often have controllers who are not very sexually active and use mind control as a way to solve that, and in current times it’s much more easy to be sexually active and there isn’t a lot of reasons to stay closeted. I’m slowly updating, it’s an opportunity to grow, but I think that I’ll always stay more or less “old school”.


My mind control fantasies started when I was 13 as a way to cope with growing up in a small village in homophobic times (when homophobia was really horrible, kids, not today where it’s almost a fashion statement to be gay :smiley:). To me, the kink of mind control is linked with coming of age and sexual immaturity. Since it’s not a very good way to live a healthy adult love life, it did not evolve beyond. It’s my personal experience, but as a writer, I now enjoy the challenge of trying to go a bit further, one step at a time, for fun.


Your feedback seems needlessly harsh and mean spirited. I wouldn’t even consider some of what you said construcive.

The goal is help people to improve, not tear their story apart and discourage them from writing.

It’s really not that serious. This is all for fun :joy:

It’s a question of scope, take the superhero story, that feedback basically amounted to “it didn’t work on any level”.

Yes, you softened that with some praise, but it’s not helpful to tear a story apart because it doesn’t work for you.

I appreciate your feedback. :+1:

I’m late at this old thread but I was reading it and saw your comment. Just wanted to point out that there is conflicting advice about said words. I started to vary them a bit recently but I still remain on the fence. Repeated ‘said’ become invisible and are less intrusive to the flow of conversation. As in any rule, there’s exceptions, I would say when the way the sentence is delivered is not obvious, it can be a good place to indicate it. Still, I’ve been more flexible on this lately.

But in any case, the other school of thought about this is based on Elmore Leonard’s rules for writers:

3 Never use a verb other than “said” to carry dialogue. The line of dialogue belongs to the character; the verb is the writer sticking his nose in. But “said” is far less intrusive than “grumbled”, “gasped”, “cautioned”, “lied”. I once noticed Mary McCarthy ending a line of dialogue with “she asseverated” and had to stop reading and go to the dictionary.

4 Never use an adverb to modify the verb “said” . . . he admonished gravely. To use an adverb this way (or almost any way) is a mortal sin. The writer is now exposing himself in earnest, using a word that distracts and can interrupt the rhythm of the exchange. I have a character in one of my books tell how she used to write historical romances “full of rape and adverbs”.