Is it just me or….the content has gotten worse and left in the water more often lately?

If the stuff is good, there is an immediate audience for it, they just need to be alerted to it.

I’ve just been writing this year, but I’ve been lurking for decades, since the NCMC. I agree, when I first found the NCMC and in the first few years of this site, I can remember some LEGENDARY masturbation sessions with a lot of this material, and that has fallen off a lot of late.

Some of it is certainly because the good material has become a bit more diluted with the volume of content these days, but I think more of it is very much the same as a gambling high, or a drugs high. It’s a chemical thing - and as your brain gets used to the dopamine hit, it takes a greater amount of stimulus to get you to the same heightened state. It’s just biology.

There are still good stories, and there are certainly a lot that aren’t so great. As for my output over the last year, it’s interesting - I feel like “An End To Global Warming” is objectively some good writing, but those chapters get trashed in the ratings much more than “The More Things Change,” which, while fun to write, isn’t really trying to say or do anything particularly interesting… well, yet, anyway. And I dashed off “The Word Game” in a day and a half, and that’s by far the most popular thing I’ve put on the site - but it’s just a formula piece.


I just realize that transformation is categorize into mind control section.