Looking for mind control stories: man steals a husband away from his wife

I love straight to gay mind control stories where a man is defiantly stolen from his loving wife/girlfriend by a man who has a romantic interest in him.

I particularly enjoy reading about the husband’s attempts to resist the mind control (or magic) as his romantic interest in his wife is sabotaged/removed and changed to men (or a specific man).

My ideal story features these plot points:

  • the husband genuinely loves and is attracted to his wife/girlfriend
  • before the change, there are no relationship issues with his wife and he is a good boyfriend/husband
  • he defiantly attempts to resist as his romantic interest in his wife is sabotaged/removed and changed to men (or a specific man)
  • focus is on the conversion and the antagonist’s effort to change the husband’s romantic interest against his will

Anyone else enjoy these types of stories? If so, I would love to hear your story recommendations. I’ll share some of my favorite stories in my response below.


Here are some of my favorite stories that have this theme:


Oh man that idea sounds pretty sexy. Love the idea!

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I’m still looking for stories with this theme.

I was happy to see that EdIam continued his “I Think…” series. The Steven arc from that series is fantastic, particularly these chapters:

Stephen Thinks for Himself by EdIam:

I Think Steven by EdIam:

Steven Thinks by EdIam:

Everything is Peachy by AnonDog is another excellent story with this theme:

My favorite stories are the ones featuring a perfect couple in love where the good looking husband is stolen away from his beautiful wife by the antagonist.

Anyone know any stories like this where the antagonist wants to the wife to be jealous of their romantic relationship (or the jealousy is a necessary by-product) as he usurps her place in her perfect relationship to her husband?

For example, a story where the antagonist manipulates the husband’s mind that not only makes him attracted to men but also sabotages his attraction and romantic relationship to his beautiful wife in a devious way that would be believable to their family and friends (who aren’t being mind controlled)?

Manipulating thoughts and events so that antagonist is the one who gets to touch, kiss, and grope her husband’s hard body, slowly replacing the wife as the soulmate and permanent sex partner to her husband?

The heartbroken wife witnessing her husband’s sudden, abrupt, and soon-to-be permanent change of heart? Desperately trying (and failing) to rescue her husband throughout the story as he becomes the antagonist’s long-term partner and soulmate? The wife (soon-to-be ex-wife) jealous that the antagonist is the one who’s going to be spoiled by waking up next to her husband’s hard body, having fantastic sex, etc.