Questions about writing

Hey all, still relatively new to the site, as well as writing stories. Wanted to ask everyone a question on how you approach your writing? I’m still getting used to different ways of telling stories, and staying consistent is kind of hard.

As an example; most of the time when I first start writing a story its very spur of the moment and heavily improvised. I very rarely go into them knowing exactly whats going to happen. As I spend time writing though, and coming up with ideas, I get a general idea of how I want the story to go down. This hasn’t always been my approach though, the last story I did was almost entirely planned. I never really know how much time to spend proof reading though. Unfortunately I tend not to until later, I always tend to get too excited and post something as I finish it because I want to get it out and hear what everyone thinks. Then I end up going through after the fact and having to edit the post to fix a bunch of things. Trying to break that habit, for everyone’s sake.

Do you have everything planned out before you even start typing? Do you just go with the flow? Do you come up with stories based off of fantasies you’ve already had? Do you come up with them on the fly? Etc.

Just kind of wondering since everyone seems pretty open on here. Hope no one minds me asking.

I have a bit of an unorthodox method, I think. When I sit down to write a story, I may have a general idea in my head, and that is it. What I do then is that I start writing - but none of it will see the light of day. Like you, it is very spur of the moment. I write what comes to mind and I improvise. But I write it in a style of “This character does this. Then he does this. Then this happens. Then this other character enters. Then they do this, and this”. Effectively, I try to write down the entire story before I know what it is.

Once I have the synopsis/plot written down, I use each sentence to either build a paragraph, a scene, or a chapter. Generally I’d say I write 10 lines for each line in the synopsis, but it differs depending on how detailed I was - obviously. I discover things need to be changed, or added, or removed.

My editing phase is basically me rewriting each paragraph. It probably means I miss a lot of errors, but it seems to work mostly fine.

I think I’ve developed this method because it makes it really easy to know what I need to write next in the story. There is no risk that I leave the story for a day and forget what it is I wanted to do with it - I always have the plot in front of me, and I will know how I’m supposed to continue the story. It allows me to get past writer’s block/being lazy in an efficient fashion. I guess, theoretically, it would also allow me to write on several stories at once, but I haven’t tried to do that quite yet.


For me, my stories are my masturbation fantasies. Obviously, my fantasies do not actually encompass the entire story all at once. But normally, I start with the kernel of a story one night, then as I start to think about it more (at the time, the next day, or on successive nights), I start asking myself “How did we get to this point?”, “What happens next?”, “What suggestions have the subjects been given prior to the scene?”, “What suggestions does the hypnotist intend to give them during the current scene?”, “What’s the end goal?” At the time, I don’t usually question whether everything’s reasonable or viable, just whether it’s hot. But then, the next day, maybe I start to give that some more thought and start pondering how to flesh it out and make it more realistic. Once I’ve got a fair bit of story in my head, that’s when I start writing, usually. On rare occasions, though, something just occurs to me, and if I’m in the mood, I’ll write it up long before it goes through my normal process.

Generally speaking the story does tend to change as I write, though, no matter how much thought/fantasizing I’ve given it beforehand. Usually, as I start to write, I really start to analyze what’s plausible and realistic, and the weaker elements of my story will get altered. Or, sometimes, I just plain get a better idea in the time it takes me to type things.

Often, by the time I’m done, the kernel scene will be hard to spot from any other scene in the story, and several new scenes I hadn’t even thought of will have ended up being added, just to provide more realism or additional background.

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My writing for this site is much less structured than other writing that I do, for which I always work from a detailed outline. In most cases for my GSS stories, I’ve started with little more than a basic premise and let my imagination take me where it wants to go. Even in the cases of my longer multi-chapter pieces, I have rarely known where the story was going to lead, publishing each chapter as I went along and having to live with my decisions, even if I’ve painted myself into a corner. However, as I go along and things start to fall into place, I will start making notes of later plot developments, lines of dialogue, etc. – partly to work out the story but mostly so I don’t forget any ideas.

I’d say in most cases, what prompts the story is the specific gimmick or transformation I want to explore. For “The Six Pack”, I had the idea of a six-pack of potions where each bottle would create a different type of change, but I actually started it a couple of times with different characters and settings before settling on the poker game where I could transform six people at once. (Initially, I had a couple experimenting with one bottle each for three days in a row, which could still provide the basis for an interesting story in the future.) For “21-Year-Old Scotch”, I was purely motivated by the idea of a gay “It’s A Wonderful Life” in which a closeted guy has the chance to see how his life would have been if he had come out in college. I somehow stumbled on the idea of the transformation being set in motion by 21-year-old scotch that literally makes the drinker 21. I don’t think I figured out the overall plot of that one until I had written four chapters, and the central idea that the character was now a theater major in his revised history basically came from a throwaway line in chapter two.

Definitely proofread your story at least once before you post it. Even then, things will slip by, but hopefully you can catch any glaring typos or notice if you’ve started calling one character by a different name.

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The way I masturbate is I find a hot pic on tumblr and I make a short story in my head. Sometimes I get really into it and decide to make it a full-fledged story. Then I just gotta think of a way to make everything end happily. No rape (except my first story, but I hope I handled that decently in the end), no forcing an orientation change, no lives ruined. Everything else just flows as I write it.

Chris reminds me of a couple of points: first off, what I said above about having a good idea of what the story was about before writing only applies to my serialized stories. Web of Trust is a bit different, in that it’s much more episodic, so only a couple of those stories were ideas when I first started; the rest were either vague notions or not even imagined yet when I first started.

I’d also like to second what he said about proofreading. Some of my stories have been proofread by multiple people, including myself multiple times, yet I still come across errors at times when I re-read them. It boggles my mind how they manage to slip through. Continuity errors are another thing to look out for. Before it got to this site, I made a major flub in Like Son, Like Father, apparently giving the 'tist a circumcision he knew nothing about somewhere between chapters 2 and 11. >.>

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@RobinHood70 Im sort of the same way. My “one off” stories are largely just personal fantasy fulfillment and so thinking about how to make the story air tight becomes less important to me.

@Happy_Endings That’s how I tend to start most of my “one off” stories as well. Tumblr can be a magical playground of inspiration. I understand the struggle to find a happy ending in it all. My stories almost intrinsically revolve around men being taken advantage of without consenting, which is hard on me most of the time. My stories, for me, are all about the visual of what’s happening. But i morally detest everything about it. I have to spend a lot of time making sure that its clear that what’s happening, while a huge turn on, isnt right. It gives me the ability to disconnect a little and just enjoy.

I feel like it’s just important to remember that most of these stories, even if hypnosis were real, would neeever be legal in any sense of the word, and justly so. Still, fantasy is just fantasy, and I like to think that once we blow our loads we get the usual “Wait what the hell am I reading” effect after, haha.

I just every once in a while get tired of seeing good people get shitty outcomes. The near-warfare that happened in the Good Boy Handbook series’ comments is what inspired me to start submitting. Shout out to Swizzington for an amazing series lol

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I’ve published only one story on this site, although I have three in various states of incubation. Having read MCStories for many years as well as this site (and Malebots as well), to me, there are two main “formats” of stories - the single episode and the series. For the stories themselves, the author chooses either the narrative or the sexual activity as the point. We all love the sexuality of these stories, but my bias is that I think a well-told story is often more satisfying than a written sex scene.

Series are challenging to construct; the majority of authors take one of two forms: 1) the story is a long concatenation of episodes; or 2) the story is more organic, a large-scale complex idea that could not fit in a single episode. Most authors use option 1, a concatenation of episodes. Examples are Sinister Intentions or even Bargain which is a single story through which the characters go through various stages. Very few authors choose option 2. At the moment I can think only of the author M.Greene, who has clearly planned out his entire story from the start. You can tell because his complex narratives are like Dickens or Tolstoy - multiple threads are constantly weaving in an out of one another. You can not construct such a story in a concatenated method but must have it all planned from the start. (I don’t all all wish to disparage in any way, but the story Re-Educator showed the danger of the concatenation method. Without adhering to the entire story’s outline, the original focus and point of the story is lost, leaving the reader frustrated.)

For single-episode stories, either you focus on the sexual activity or the narrative. A good example of how to use a sex scene in a story is provided by a the construction of a film like Hitchcock’s Psycho. Marion Crane’s murder is the most violent thing in the film, and no subsequent event in the film comes close to replicating that. However, the effect of her murder leaves the viewer tense for the rest of the entire film. You should treat sex similarly. You should have a single sex scene that reaches the apogee, and let it be the shining beacon of your story. Once you try to duplicate that within the same story, you diminish the effect of the primary sex scene. I recall reading one story (can’t remember the name) in which a character engaged in sex at least three times. By the third time the author had lost my interest. It was boring.

Sex can be very boring. It’s the characters that make all the difference. A good example is the recently posted fourth installment of Phil and Tom, called Phil and Tom’s Date. In previous episodes you had a detailed description of the unusual sexual encounter that happened to the characters. You know this, and you start reading Phil and Tom’s Date with that expectation. But Fiddlebear uses this chapter to paint a more detailed picture of the encounter. They’re not sure that each other knows that the other is gay, so it’s a long emotional exploration (just think of times you were young, unsure of yourself, and you wanted to get closer to someone, but not so quickly that you’d repel them). So when the sex comes, it’s made all the more powerful, NOT because of the verbal description of sex (although that is very satisfying in itself), but because the author has made you invest your own emotions in these characters.

There’s another site that includes mind control stories (on that site lots of the authors have Asian names). I remember reading one story in which a guy has an encounter with another guy, told mostly in metaphysical terms. No dicks or asses, just things like joining the spirit, feeling his presence, souls intertwining with one another, etc. At the end of the story the narrator snaps out of it and realizes there’s no other guy, and that it was just his yearning to overcome loneliness that prompted his fantasizing (which seemed so real). That was a well-written story, but the point is that it was so affecting even though it didn’t involve explicit sex. I love the series Pollination. But other than the initial description of sticking your dick in the flower, there is absolutely no sex (again, the Psycho technique of letting one explicit episode carry the reader through subsequent narrative).

If you’re starting out or need inspiration, as others have suggested, start with your fetish (presumably mind control), perhaps combined with another fetish. Ok, mind control - what about will turn you on? Permanent, or return to normalcy? Sinister or “coming to a new understanding of existence”? Auto-erotic or with friends? By all means, plan it on paper and see where it will take you. Good luck!


When I write, I do so kind of like you. I write in the spur of the moment. I go about my daily life and get some sort of inspiration or fantasy that I just have to get down on paper. Some of my stories that I’ve written, like my first two of which I was planning on making into series, are just that. But I’ve long since lost the flame for them because I sort of bit off much more than I could chew and I couldn’t really find a way to continue them organically.

I’m a stream of consciousness writer. My most recent story I typed in such a fashion and labored over it in a lust and caffeine driven madness all night till I finished the next morning. I also have dyslexia, so I proofread and go over things and try to quash any mistakes but even then I still find myself transposing words or forgetting grammar conventions. I’m thinking about transitioning into an outline and continuous rewrite method to see if I can produce something that I’d be happy but I’m really used to my current style.

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Well for me I first would think of how the story would begin. Like how the control aspect of the story would come to play and where would it go from there. Usually already have an idea for the ending but most of the time I just think of the plot as I write the story. Basically whatever comes to mind. I don’t know if it helps that I masturbate while I write them lol (FYI: I type them on my phone while laid down on my bed).

I can’t say if that strategy helps or not since I feel like it would just focus more on the sex scenes and not the plot itself. Some of my unpublished stories is “badly directed porno in written form” as I would describe it.

Advice: A little bit of conflict won’t hurt the story as long as its written well and has pleasure sprinkled all over it.

P.S. This is from someone who is still trying to practice his writing skills

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Personally, my stories typically start with a random thought (I have a draft email I keep for the sole purpose of noting those random thoughts).
When I get time, I’ll then take that random thought, copy it to my working notes file, and start building on it. That might be the case of just adding a few more ideas/possibilities, creating a rough plot, or even writing a short segment building on the idea/putting the idea in context.

From there, either the idea will be continually expanded until it’s fleshed out enough to create a full story, or I’ll just start writing the full story.

Once I’ve written the story, I’ll then ignore it for a few days, before reading it again, and deciding if anything needs changed. It’s not unusual for me to decide to re-write sections at that point.

Using the Pink Pill Sex Craze story as an example, the original note I had for that was simply -

Sex craze. Straight guys hear about pill that gives them the ‘ultimate’ sexual experience, but if they let cum in their butt, they become insatiable bottom bois.

I pondered on the how did they find out about the pill for a good while, before coming up with the female character. I then wrote a first draft, but wasn’t really convinced by the ending. After ignoring it for a few days, I came up with the twist, which meant re-writing a couple sections.

One key thing I always say, is write about what interests you. I write for pleasure and only when I can spare the time, so I have no interest in writing about topics that don’t interest me. I’m sure if somebody dangled a big cheque in front of me, I’d write about pretty much anything, but I’d always feel that my standard wouldn’t be as high as when I write about things that do interest me.

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I sometimes use The Completion Backwards method. Start by deciding how you want the story to conclude, and then figure what has to happen to take you there. Let’s say I want a husband to end up enslaved to his wife and her bisexual lover. I have to determine what method will be used, what the wife’s motivation/participation will be, and how far they want to take it. As I fill in those blanks, it tends to suggest what else I need to establish.

So let’s say I begin with that basic plot. The guy will use hypnosis to make the change. He can do that because he has researched the practice for years and used it for other purposes. The wife knows him from when she was single. She has come to realize her husband is a loser and needs to be taken out of the picture. But she can’t divorce him because of an ironclad prenuptial agreement. So she says her old friend does hypnosis and talks the skeptical husband into volunteering for a demonstration. They turn the husband gay, the lover moves in, and the husband becomes their household slave and gets used sexually by the guy. Once I start writing, lesser details get filled in as I go.

Occasionally my ideas come from stories I read, art or captioned pictures I see, and input from outside the sex fantasy realm. That last one could include a listing for one of those TV shows where people fight about their relationships in front of an audience. If I saw a synopsis like ‘Bob wants to split with Mary because she won’t agree to setting up a threesome with a stripper’, that could be my inspiration. I’d probably have Mary give in, and even offer to acquire the stripper, except she would get a male stripper.

But my storylines come mainly from a number of cherished fantasies that fill my head. Among them are – being shamed in front of a group, getting cuckolded, enduring tease and denial, finding myself in chastity, getting sold or given to someone as their property, penis reduction, and generally just winding up helpless in some humiliating and inescapable situation. If I’m writing on this site, you can add in manipulation, conditioning, and mind control in general.

To see what can result from that writing technique and those inspirations, check my story here on Gay Spiral, A BUSINESS DECISION. Thanks for this opportunity to share.