Site Updates Pt. 2

X-Max Update pt. 2

This update is trying to solve an issue that has nagging at me for a while. I started the separate sites because I wanted to expand the scope of the stories I can cover. But at the same time, I didn’t want to “pollute” GaySpiralStories with content that doesn’t belong there.

So I started, and

Unfortunately, none of these sites really caught on. As you can see on our site statistics page (select “User” in the drop down box “Site Visits”), none of those sites really got much traffic:

And that causes a problem for authors writing stories for these sites. Their stories just don’t get seen, don’t attract any attention and that is very frustrating to the authors. A classic Catch-22 situation.

So I decided, hesitantly, to change the logic.

Now by default all stories are going to be shown on all the sites. Including GaySpiralStories.

As that defeats my promise to keep GSS pure and unpolluted, I added an option to switch GSS (and also any of the other sites) back to the way they’ve worked previously. You just have to activate the “pure mode”:

Also, you can still fine-tune which content you see with the “Categories selector”:

Note that this selector will look differently depending on whether the “pure mode” is toggled on or off.

Now each user has the option to go to any of the sites he feels most comfortable with and still gets the possibility to see all the content he’s interested in.

Also note that the site(s) which a story has been “targetted” for is still shown next to its category and tags. So even if you choose to get all the stories listed (which I recommend) you can still see at a single glance what this story’s focus is.

In general I would ask to be open to ANY content. Even if you’re into mind-control or transformation, be assured that there are great stories written for Collar or Cupid which might make you very exited, too.

Full change list:


  • All sites are showing all stories, unless “Pure mode” is activated. The “Category” selector will work accordingly now.
  • Improved the “Subscription” toggles for Tier-2 Sponsors (please let me know if you want this functionality see more love!)
  • Resolved Problems with site statistic view
  • Various visual and functional bugfixes
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