About the motivation to write kinky fiction on GKS

I would like to tell you my own motivation to write kinky fiction on this page. Please feel welcome to talk about yout own in this thread!

All stories are written by myself and the result of a “dirty” fantasy. I write them, because it makes fun to create a fictional scenery with characters, that not exist. To dive deep into the little “universe” I create.

Someday I thought, that it would be nice, to share the results, because I’m looking for feedback. And this stories are nothing you will share with your family or co-workers, to get their feedback.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t write for complimentsl I write, because it’s fun. And to publish here and getting feedback from the reader, helps to improve my skills to write and - yes indeed - positive feedbacks is welcome.

And last, but not least: I found a co-author (geeetings @Arcturus ), who challenges me since we started to write our community stories.

So, whats your motivation to write AND piublish your stuff?


I would say mine is very similar to yours, but for me, the main drive is sharing my stories with people who I know will enjoy them. The feedback and ratings and so forth are all very much appreciated, and often taken into account for future writing, but mostly I use them as an indication of how much people are enjoying my stories rather than being the primary thing that I’m looking for.


I used to write stories, but never published them. Until I met PupVince.

I like to write stories, let my imagination run wild and see what happens.
The characters in them start to have a life of their own at some point and it’s fascinating even for me as an author to experience that.
It’s thanks to PupVince that I’m now writing kinky stories, I just enjoy writing the erotic component as well. If I can inspire readers with that, it’s even better.


Sometimes an idea hits hard and I write 15,000 words in three days. Sometimes I haven’t completed a story in months. But the motivation …

… sometimes it’s to work through an idea in my head. The Jamison Men and Challenge Trials stories, for example, are about “how do you insert MPreg themes into a realistic-ish setting, without feminization kinks?” I was/am trying to do specific things with those tropes, because I find them sexy and want to share that with people who might also find it sexy.

Some of that is motivated in the sense of … creating something, so that maybe I inspire other people to create it, too. Or, disentangling and deconstructing tropes that I think don’t fit well together or rub me the wrong way. For example: Contrapoints developed an idea in a recent video that I’ve been nosing about for a long time - Dominant Heterosexual SadoMasochism, the conflation of a huge collection of binaries (masculine/feminine, dominant/submissive, predator/prey, etc) with each other that winds up reproducing heterosexual dynamics even in LGBT smut. I like subverting that conflation, separating them out, making a dude nurturing/fertile/gravid and also dominant/providing/masculine, for example.

That stuff obviously isn’t motivating me enough to actually finish most of these series but it’s obviously what has kept me coming back to smut when there’s a lot of other creative work in my life.

Thanks for sharing your Personal Story.

It’s a creative outlet for me. My job is very structured and stressful, with no room for creativity, and writing is an outlet for me to express that.

I have noticed my volume of writing is inversely proportional to my other creative activities. If I play D&D, for example, I don’t find myself writing as much over the next few days.

But it isn’t a substitute for intimacy with my partner. I don’t write instead of having fun with my partner. Intimate time with my partner inspires more writing, and writing inspires me to want intimacy with my partner… too much honestly. I frequently have problems self-regulating.


Most of what I write are just fun ideas that I want to explore. I see a guy as I’m waiting in line or see a photo on tumblr and my mind just thinks of ideas for him, who he is or where’s he’s heading and doing, using the stuff around him as guides. This is why I’ve been writing captions for Sirjocktrainer for 12 years now.
I also like watching a show, a movie, read a book or story, whatever and think what if they were just a little different, which leads to the ideas of many of my stories.

But at the end of the day most are written for me. I write the story that I want to read but every once in a while I will write a story for someone I know, one of my fanfic stories is for my pup. PT with Coach’s part 2 (and maybe 3) was written for Jockgeardc, the Crossroads Club is for Blackeyesdemon, right now writing a story for another friend and I’ve been working on a very long story for a pup for a few years.

Why I post them? What else do you do with stories that are done? The other option would be just leave them on my desktop.


I also pretty much write what I want to read. I think it originally stemmed from realising that there were a few stories that I’d read and reread, and there weren’t all that many authors in my preferred sub-subgenre. So I decided to become one.

As for sharing them, well a big part has been from the feedback, and some messages. It has been surprisingly nice to learn that there’s other guys out there who share my kinks. So I’m happy to share mine.