
So for the anniversary, I had the idea of taking a classic story and redoing it, remixing it. Not a duplication but an homage…does this sound like anything anyone wants to do?


I’m into it.

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I’d participate, if I can find the time during everything else going on.

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I’m always down for going through the older stories in the archive and bringing some new life to them with a reworking or continuation. So if you’re going to do that, count me in.

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It would be taking the spirit of the story and redoing it as an homage. Not a sequel, but a celebration of the original.

That is a first-rate idea. It would also be interesting to take one of the oldest stories on the whole site and see how the world has changed since then–and if the changes would be reflected in the brainwashing method!


When would the story need to be published, what’s the anniversary date?

I’m thinking of revisiting my first series, The Game, as an anniversary edition, and maybe give it an ending this time. It will be its 30th year anniversary around that time as well.


Oh man the Game! I loved the initial set of rooms. The cream and the other room. The dudes doing sexy things woth each other was great.

Ps. No need for woman in it.

The first version captured by is dated September 2015. A more exact date for the anniversary could only be defined by @MonsterMash62

I would get rid of the women. I was in a bisexual phase then, for some reason.


That’s probably about right for this iteration. I know the NCMC was around since 2008.

Yeah besides that the story was super hot! So yeah, if you got rid of the women OMG it would be super super hot!

Including the whole in media res start, they woke up, not knowing where they were or what was going on but needing to find a way to get out. Which led to sexiness.

The fact that some gave into it while others did not was also super hot.

Yeah, it was a great story! I still remember the rubbing cream on the dude scenes and stuff. That and a bunch of other rooms.

I may be overstepping here, but if there is no other clear date then why not use that of the earliest submitted story still on the site?

According to the list that would be 27th April 2005.

That is probably around when the NCMC came online. That was the precursor to the current iteration of the site. Not sure if we want to count the birthday from then or from when it turned into GaySpiralStories. Or when it turned into GayKinkyStories.

I think it’s a great idea.

Let’s celebrate the anniversary on April 27, 2025.

Twenty-year anniversary of NCMC and (almost) 10-year anniversary of Gay Spiral Stories.

It’s just a date anyway, but that one makes the most sense.

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I agree with April 27th.

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Same with me.