Boundaru has passed away

Announced today on Twitter, @Boundaru, writer on this website and erotic artist passed away last month.

The person who announced it gave no cause of death.

May he rest in peace.

Update: It is confirmed it wasn’t suicide, but a tragic accident.


I’m sorry to hear that. May he rest well and be well remembered.

Oh … I’m at a loss for words!

As far as I know he was young. Certainly way to young to die. It’s always so tragic if a person gets ripped out of a promising life so prematurely.

We had some nice chats and I remember them fondly. I will miss him!

@Twan Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

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Thank you for sharing this, Twan. I know there are some people on the forum who knew him… What terrible news. :frowning:

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Thanks for the message.