Today when I was clinking on hashtags no stories would come up, when I click on the author still didn’t show any links to their stories.
Not sure if this has happened before.
Today when I was clinking on hashtags no stories would come up, when I click on the author still didn’t show any links to their stories.
Not sure if this has happened before.
I checked this on my system (windows with Edge browser). Everythings has worked fine for me.
Are you logged out / logged in when doing this?
Also, have you set any blocked tags?
I could be off the scent, but there might be something going on like, the tag is returning no stories because all the stories it would have returned are hidden from the results for a different reason.
always logged in, when I go into a profile and see other stories, Its just blank.
I have blocked pop ads, would that have any problems with UI?
An ad blocker shouldn’t make any difference - though being logged on would reduce the frequency of the ads, and becoming a supporter would disable them altogether.
Can you explain what you mean by “go into a profile and see other stories”?
Do you mean a user profile? So, if you click on a user name to see their profile, you get a blank screen? Please give me a bit more input so I can help you or figure out the issue.
I vote we make GKS fancier by renaming them “hashtagues.”
there 2 pictures are of authors who has stories and I cannot see it.
and when I use to search say ass this is what comes up.
Now that’s pretty strange. I’m sure there’s something wrong with your browser. Probably some filtering tool.
Can you tell us a bit about which browser you’re using? Do you know how to see the extensions/plugins installed in your browser? If you do, can you list all the extensions or plugins currently in use?
ad blocker
ad guard
ghostery tracker add
https everywhere
pop blocker
privacy badger
using Firefox
Try to disable the plugins, one after the other, and refresh the page (Ctrl-F5). See if without one of those the site loads properly.
Probable candidates are the ad blockers, the tracker and the privacy badger.
I get why you want to use them, but they obviously interfere with the site rendering and do whatever strange things. I’m not a fan of those things. They promise a lot, but in the end, they’re just feeding on the users’ paranoia without making much of a difference.
We’re not using any tracking on our website at all. I was very careful to avoid any kind of tracking or similar dubious mechanics, as the trust of our users is my utmost priority. Even the Kinkoid (GayHarem) ads are served from our own server, to make any tracking impossible.
Thank you for your help, found the issue lol
I was blocking the inkoid (GayHarem) adds. I unblocked them.
Oh yeah, that would make sense, as we’re serving the ads from our own server (which is uncommon, as on most other sites, ads are served from some dedicated ad-server), explicitly blocking them could block all images and possible other elements served by our server and therefor make the site unusable.
A little hint: If you’re a logged on user, closing the ads will remove them for some time (they’ll reappear eventually though). And if you want to get rid of them altogether, the first $1 tier as a sponsor will already do the job