Discussion about rules and especially the 'underage' topic

Seems to me that all those Guest Anonymous comments come from only one person who is trolling and warns of masses leaving the site and authors removing their stories when in fact he’s alone and not even an author himself. Like a cat trying to appear bigger than he is. And all this drama and noise just to satisfy his own ego to appear virtuous by calling out others. Fuck am I tired of that behavior.


Mhmmm I hear you there.

If you really want to stop pedophilia, there is tons you can do that will have a real impact, but it would involve you actually participating and acting in the real world instead of typing comments anonymously from the toilet.


Yeah, no kidding. It is quite disturbing to think that while real, innocent kids are being abused, it is the imaginary world that’s the real problem.

And don’t give me that nonsense about how “reading these things will make you do it.” No it won’t. I have self control. It would take a pretty fantastic hypno-device from one of these stories to make me do something like that.


On a related tangent…
When I ran the site, I had a story posted where the characters felt like minors - to me - and were being exploited/raped by adult, mentor type characters. There was some lip service at the beginning that said the character was 18, but then acted like someone under 18 to me after that.

The author of the story told me that they were 19 and that they wrote the story because that’s what they related to.

I didn’t have a problem with the author or their story, assuming what they said was true. I had a problem picturing all of the guys over 30 stroking their dicks imagining the scenarios in that story. (Myself potentially included generically, as I’m over 40). It wasn’t my type of story, I wasn’t interested in it, and I don’t think it was intended to be inappropriate in nature. I also felt rather strongly that it definitely could be used inappropriately. Who determines whether the relationship depicted is pornographic or for the purposes of titillation?

It’s similar to the laws in the US that make minors that take sexually explicit selfies be considered child pornographers. I mean, technically, yes, but it’s stupid to charge them and the law should be changed. At the same time, do I think it should be ok for 17 year olds to sell sexually explicit photos of themselves to dirty old men? No, I don’t.

Shit be complicated, yo!


Yeah that’s the madness! Some kid could send a mass text of a nude selfie, and BAM! The whole community is in possession of child pornography. There needs to be a complete rethinking of the laws. So many problems…

FWIW, I’ve been reading ‘this’ site since it was the NCMC and appreciate the work that goes into running it. I’ve considered writing (never finished a story though) and appreciate the people who actully do.

But the age stuff makes me fairly uncomfortable, and I’ve questioned whether it’s wise to be here (or have an account here) a few times as a result. To me, even someone ‘in the late stages of puberty’ (we’ll call it 16 for simplicity) isn’t really mature. Not mature enough for me to think of them sexually, at least. So I don’t read stories that explicitly mention it. If it’s vague like “high school senior” where it’s plausible they could be 18, yeah ok. But as someone else mentioned, making a point of it by explicitly putting a number on it feels to me like fetishising youth - which you could construe as fetishizing minors - and I’m not really down with that. I’m not even saying stuff like this should be necessarily banned (which is Martin’s decision anyway, so calling for it would be useless), just explaining an opposing viewpoint. I know the other anon is being inflammatory, but it’d be nice if people could calm down a bit in general, it’s a bit sad to see some resorting to “if you don’t like it, fuck off”.

On a more constructive note… I don’t have an account at the moment, but if there were an option to filter out content featuring <18yo’s, I’d definitely sign up just for that.

Anyway, that’s my 2c

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What’s funny is I live in the US Martin as age completely…lol. A few points to make 1) I’ve known 3 women underage of 16, 1 being my sister, was touched or full on molested by an older man in Indiana & Texas ranging from 13 to 15 (in 2 cases). When we they tried to press charges they was told they weren’t considered a minor in the slightest. Also in the case of women not sexually assaulted to rape. I knew 2 people one a women who was married off to a man in his late 30s as a freshmen in high school (also in Indiana as for those that are familiar that’s 14) and another gay man who was going to bars and getting laid by men when he was 15 and he was the one pursuing them. So again it varies but everyone but the one person has said that.

  1. I’ve moved to Arizona had a roommate read a story that involved teenagers that were involved in a relationship. And had a pretty tame sex scene and my roommate thought and reported my shit to the police. They went through and looked at my stuff but I got my stuff back. They couldn’t find anything illegal.

  2. And maybe the only valid point I have to current situation. If depicting someone as a minor engaging in sexual acts is all it takes to be considered criminal what about television shows and movies? God knows how many are put out there with seniors, freshmen and 16 year olds going on a sex raid and doing some pretty raunchy stuff. If it’s based on you made the character a minor in a story having sexual encounters is wrong and immoral and you’ll rot in prison. Then movies and shows would fall to this same category. Also to remind not all stories have characters engaging in sex.

  3. Clearly they’re not long time fans of the site. I’ve been on here for close to a decade almost. Then it was called NCMC for Narcissistic Cursed Mens Collection. They’re was hundreds of stories that featured high school students, including 14 year old freshmen engaging in sexual, erotic, fetish, or simply dehumanizing acts. A lot of stories that don’t in fact meet Martins guidelines or the previous monitors long long list of fetishes and kinks related to those stories. This site had lots of issues and a few reports to it so I don’t think it’s in any danger.

  4. Lastly what about historical accuracy for those who right period piece stories and such. 14 would have been more then consensual for that time period.

I absolutely respect your opinion and appreciate the way you present it.

And I think it’s in our own best interest to accomodate people who are thinking like you. That’s why I’ve added the "block tags’ function. If you add the tag #teen to that blocking filter, you’ll never be confronted with any story which contains any character which might feel too young for you. At least as long as the author faithfully tags his story and I don’t fail to recognize if he didn’t. In that case I’ll appreciate if you inform me, and I’ll fix it right away.

Secondly, I totally understand that you’re hesitant to create an account. Many users are. While it’s possible to submit stories anonymously, you’re forfeiting loads of comfort functions that way. And the same is true if you’re just using the site as a reader.

I’d recommend getting one of the many anonymous email addresses you can get on various places on the internet. I’ve used hushmail in the past, but there are even more anonymous ones. That way you can have a virtual identity here (and anywhere else) without attaching it to your real person.


I’m not sure if I understand your first sentence, maybe there’s a word missing or something?

Anyway, what you’ve written are perfect examples of the hypocricy of some people, especially in the puritan, southern US states. I don’t want to judge, because I only know this from stories, but as far as I can see, it’s exactly those religious, howlier-than-thou people who turn out to be the most horrific abusing people of them all. Not all of them, of course, but surprisingly many molesters are among those people and, what’s even worse, the other member of their group are usually defending and hiding these attrocities.

The catholic church is but one example of this.

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That’s the best! Nothing makes me laugh more than the fact that there is a Wikipedia page dedicated to “Sexually active popes.” Both gay and straight ones on there. Actually, what’s even funnier is the one that happened in 2017. “Pope outraged at drug fueled gay orgy at Cardinal’s aide…” Classic hypocrisy. The joke at my family’s house was that he was probably mad he wasn’t invited! Haha. So funny.

This is tangential, but FWIW, this is a pretty interesting and read regarding pedophilies. You’re 16. You’re a Pedophile. You Don’t Want to Hurt Anyone. What Do You Do Now?

From my understanding it’s legal if no actual minors were involved in the production of or are depicted in the images. That means from a legal standpoint Martin is on solid ground. IANAL, but I sometimes play one on the internet. Also FWIW, eunuch.org/eunuchworld.org had this issue and they researched it and came up with the interpretation I just gave.

I agree, @MindInABox

That’s why I always make sure to differentiate between people who are just cursed with pedophilic urges, but don’t act on them, and those who molest children or condone the molesting (by consuming child porn).


There was once an AMA on reddit about this, and someone suggested that perhaps it would be best if Pedo’s had an outlet for this urge. It was thought that maybe ‘prescription’ images of,well, child/ adult related ‘activity’ could be given to them. This would be illustrated and simulated production, not real videos and real kids, and would go along with whatever therapy they were receiving for aid with their problem. Does anyone think here that that would be a viable solution? In my opinion, I thought it would be best to go cold turkey, but maybe they could be eased into that? It is obvious that they would have to be carefully monitored around children, in an unsuspecting and non-judgmental way, or even cut off from contact with kids altogether , at least until they showed signs of improvement. But I don’t really know how this would all work. Maybe it should just be repeated constantly that naturally, kids are not designed for sex, as they are immature. Taken from that angle, it removes the shame tactic that is used on them, which is good, because they don’t break down into nervous wrecks from societal pressure, and can still contribute to society, and before that, be a part of it even.

I support Martin on this topic. Thank you for clearly explaining your position and continuing to run your site according to your best judgment.

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Man, oh man what a discussion. I think partly it’s understandable that some people tend to get a bit emotional about this, but it also reminds me of other discussions I’ve read. Some people don’t like people under 20 in their stories, some people don’t like scat or torture, a racist in the story. To all those people, every phone or web browser has a back button. You don’t have to read every single story or comment on everything you don’t like. Nothing illegal is happening on the website, nobody here is claiming that pedosexuality is okay. And in case you do want to comment on something, aren’t we all human beings that can have at least a bit of a decent discussion with each other?

To Martin and all other admins here I would like to send a big thanks. This is not the first time that there has been major backlash for something on the GSS website, most of the times comments came close to personal attacks. Still thanks for putting up with it, thanks for not just leaving the website be. Your efforts not only make it a nice place to go to for some hot stories, but it’s also a very welcoming place for experienced, or unexperienced authors (such as myself) to come together and improve our writing skills. That’s amazing, and for that I want to give you a short round of applause :slight_smile: :clap: :clap:


My name is Cutlerfan and I think Martin is doing his best to follow the laws while simultaneously not dismissing stories with characters under the age of 18. All my stories are characters age 18 or above. It’s a simple way for me to set a line in the sand. My way won’t work for every case. The almost religious fervor with which people shout “Pedo” is crazy. One guy was reported for taking pictures at the beach of his own children. Context is very important in this case and I think it is important in the discussion of age. I’ll be brutally honest and say that I was molested as a small child. If I had even the tiniest inkling that this or other sites were for pedophiles you can be damn sure I’d leave. The Muscle Growth Forum was attacked and material was deleted for a similar perceived outrage a few years ago. There was no proof that I saw but people reacted like we were roasting children alive. There was also fallout for a friend of mine who was accused falsely by someone trying to smear his reputation. It started as guilt by association… “oh you’re in that group so you’re a Pedo.” I myself have been a victim of guilt by association. I was kicked off a Discord site because one group I am in on it had some problems. I was banned and only told that I hadn’t done anything wrong but they wanted “No Drama.”

In my opinion many people get on the BANNED wagon, spelling is deliberate, in an attempt to keep themselves clean. It’s like some gay men think they are better than others because they are not into “that weird stuff” which can be any desire or fetish you can name. They completely forget that a reasonable percent of the world thinks they should be punished or even killed for being gay. There are no good gays or bad gays. There are individual people who can be jerks or saints. I’ve tried to be open to others likes and dislikes so I try to live by one rule. If you’re not hurting people or yourself… do what you like. Yes things gross me out but I DON’T HAVE TO DO THEM. If the mere hint of Pedo appears in your mind… LEAVE THE SITE! Don’t complain about it… just go! You obviously don’t want to be here. Instead of professing your own moral purity just accept that the world is not perfect and move on. If you’re so convinced we’re all going to hell why are you here? To cause problems? To watch our inevitable “fall.” If so you are just as bad as the pedos you claim to hate. You are hate mongering without discussion or reason. LGBQT people have enough on their plates without people targeting them in their own groups. Sorry to rant but I am really sick of holier-than-thou types telling everyone how evil they are while ignoring the hate and evil in their own hearts. If this message isn’t perfect… I don’t care.


New poster here

Well legally speaking as one involved in the field my understanding is that the law is that of the server the site is based in. That’s the standard international practice. I’ll note here I’m not American.

If this site is hosted in the US it needs to follow US law no real question in my mind.
Even if not I’d argue for the 18+ rule here. It protects people. The majority of places people access from would then be covered. We’d not be in any legal grey zone. This place would be like a normal porn site.

What’s the point of opening this thread if we’re gonna steamroll everyone who speaks out against this kind of content tbh

“Don’t read it if you don’t like it” would not hold up in a court of law. Underaged porn is underaged porn. People are pissed and want this stuff banned because we want to continue using this site, because we like this site and the archive of stories. Nobody woke up a week ago and said its time to get pissed at GSS. If there are stories with 14-year-olds in them, like someone else in this thread said… Uh. Get rid of those too?

Why is political content banned for being inflammatory but when a large chunk of the community is deeply uncomfortable with this stuff, we have to keep it on this site? Martin runs GSS and sets the rules as he pleases. Ban it. Vore was banned for forever and that’s not even legally dubious.

REAL teens aren’t allowed on this site for a reason. Adults being sexually active with teens is wrong. Like it or not, being sexually active with teens includes jerking off to the idea them and producing content with them in it. Someone writing stories and jerking off to a 2-year-old is still bad even if they never ever want to touch a 2-year-old IRL.