Invisible "New items"

You know, it could be, but I’m not tech-savvy enough to say for sure… :sweat_smile: Also, wait, let’s switch this to DMs to keep troubleshooting, and I’ll mark this forum topic as resolved in the meantime.

Okay. Also, am I supposed to see the Support category? I see a green dot to the right, and when I open it the header says I have 10 new topics but there are only three old ones displayed.

I think only some threads in Support are supposed to be publicly visible… but if the new ‘invisible’ threads are pinging for you too, that’s not great… Hm. Let me ask you more about that in DMs too. It’s all a new system now as we try things out, so I guess it’s inevitable we run into some odd glitches here and there.

I will continue in the DM.

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I think I’m losing it. Ive lost the DM you sent me.

Omg. Maybe it IS the browser cache, then…! (Or maybe the iPad’s version of Safari is out of date?)

You can try clearing the cache, maybe, if that’s an option? Or you could try Brave and see if it’s any better there…

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