Looking for a story (hypno, jungle book triggers, boyfriend)

I remember reading a story where the main character had always been fascinated by hypnosis (referring to the jungle book scene as a source of his obsession). Later, he divulges this to his boyfriend who then figures out how to hypnotize him. The boyfriend installs triggers that makes his mind go numb (I think “mancub” was one). The story progresses and the boyfriend’s friends learn about his secret and they start using the triggers. The story ended with one of the friends pretending to look out for him by telling him that they’re all making him commit depraved acts and making him forget, so this “friend” convinces him to share the deepest triggers to completely override his mind, pretending to be doing this to help him. This ended with the “friend” enslaving him. And then I think it somehow flashes forwards to the main character in a psychiatrists office? But I’m not sure.
Hoping to track this great story down! I’ve tried so many searches (keyword, phrases, etc.), but have had no luck finding it.


Here ya go.

Thank you! That name rings a bell! Unfortunately, when I click on that link, it says “No Entries”. Has it been taken down perhaps? If so, does anyone know if it can be found anywhere else?

I have a copy of it on my device so I can read it off-line. Would you like me to send it to you?

Yes, please! That would be great :smiley:

Jaytoye asked me to remove his stories a while ago I’m afraid…

I wouldn’t mind getting a gander at a story like this. Mind sending me a copy too?

I would also love to reread it if you don’t mind! Must’ve read it 20 times while it was up!

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God this one was my absolute fave, I would love if I could read it again???

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