Looking for Story Recommendations: All-Male Worlds

hello! im looking for stories that feature all-male worlds or realities, perhaps involving some sort of reality change aspect too.

some of my most-returned to stories on this site are Soren Fitz’s The Prince and the Frat Boys and DoubleCream’s A Real Man. does anyone know of any similar stories?

thank you!


Those are both favorites of mine. I also liked M Greene’s Life after Life. https://www.gaykinkystories.com/series/show/10002610


Hey! I’m glad you love P&FB. A new writer on this site, SpiralSnyder, has written Kingdom of Ardenne, an all-male casual sex world that’s very fun and original!

(If you like it, tell him Soren sent you, heh.)

Also, while the world of Franco Apollo’s The Bootyguard and KOKsuckers does have women, it’s otherwise basically a gay casual-sex paradise.

These are the ones I know about!


thank you for the recommendation!

thank you and keep up the lovely work!

You should also check out ‘The Eden Virus.’

‘The Eden Virus’ by M. Greene - Gay Spiral Stories

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