Major Spoilers for Elden Ring but the plot of the new DLC would be right at home on this site

First you’ve got miquella’s great rune power which “compels affection” allowing him to mind control people, then you’ve got the big hunk Radahn, who miquella has chosen as his consort, giving us some twink/jock romance. Of course since Radahn died in the main game, Miquella has him possess mohg’s body to bring back “prime Radahn.” The final boss fight has miquella hanging off of Radahn and one attack has Radahn wrapping you in his big arms while miquella strokes your cheek.

It’s cool enough that one of the most popular games right now has one of the most badass characters in a gay relationship but my lord there are so many tropes are right at home on this site.


ok a couple things, and i mean these with respect because I can see the appeal of this kind of set up but:
For those who haven’t played the game or aren’t big on the lore, this specific set up has some serious red flags to it.

  1. Miquella the proposed twink is cursed with the body and we later learn mind of a child. his childlike naivety and innocence are core parts of his plot not just a flavour thing,
  2. For reasons the game explains poorly but leaves no room for doubt on, Radahn isn’t Miqulla’s step brother as 1st advertised by in fact his half brother making this an incest ship as well.
  3. Radahn was once willing in this arrangement but has since rejected it, causing Miqulla’s body possession shenanigans and a literal war with Radahn trying to repel Miqulla from compelling his affections,

I reiterate that I’m not here to kink shame nor discourage debate on the premise as twink seducer/ jock bodyguard is a in interesting premise to me as well. But I feel I should clarify a few details given Elden Ring’s difficult to grasp Lore to keep people informed about some important details.

I do like the premise, seems like you could get quite bratty with it depending on how you characterise the twink. alternatively you could do it as a medieval setting and have it from the perspective of a knight who’s desperate to give his all to his lover.