Theres a tumblr account posting stories from here without mentioning where they got the stories

Damn, I didn’t even realise they had posted so much. For what it’s worth, some of the other tf guys on Tumblr have realised he’s reposting and are trying to limit his reach.

Based on my latest read of Tumblr’s adult content policy, all erotica is technically banned from the site. Once a moderator sees the takedown requests and looks at the tumblr the blog should get a strike from both the copyright infringement and the erotic content. However, the last time I tried to get something on Tumblr reviewed it took like, a week, and that was before the site when into maintenance mode.

I believe only visual erotic content is banned, not stories. Unless he has pics of two guys fucking, which I don’t think he does, it’s not against their rules. I’m basing that on two things:

Tell that to my stories that keep getting automatically flagged and then my appeals being rejected on the grounds that written erotica isn’t allowed :upside_down_face:

Still, good to know. Thank you for checking!

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That sucks! They obviously shouldn’t be doing that. But hey, now you have links to their own regulations that say otherwise. :slight_smile: The one other thing they might disqualify it on is if there’s non-consent or dubious consent in it. I don’t see anything in their rules about it either way, but that’s often a source of problems on some sites.

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That’s insane! I also understood the rules as allowing written erotica. It’s so stupid considering the hateful content they won’t touch on other blogs.

Anyway, hopefully this blog gets shut down. It’s incredibly bad form.

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I made a post about this on my tumblr acct and also pointed it out to a couple of the people who were reblogging and the response I got was mostly positive - a few tried to justify it by saying “The pics arent owned by those authors tho” which annoyed me to no end


I apparently don’t know Tumblr enough to know how to search his stories, or easily. I finally got where I could find him. @vugcehkvcfbk and apparently going by “Sans titre”. There is no where to find a list of the posts or stories without just scrolling everything he has?

As far as I know, that’s exactly what you have to do, yeah, but I’m not a big Tumblr user either.

@midwest_hypnosis If you add /archive to the end of the address of the blog you can view an archive of all stories posted in a grid.

I had previously reblogged some of the stories they’d posted on my own blog but deleted them all and posted a notice warning others as soon as it had been brought to my attention that they’re stealing stories.

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I appreciate all this info.

I tried the /archive thing, but it doesn’t seem to work. Can you post the full URL please, just so I can be sure I was trying the right thing.

Well since he gets the stories fron here, he has seen the bulletin, and perhaps this thread whike still posting stuff. He is a very special level of asshole.


@RobinHood70 Tumblr
I know it works in desktop, I’m not sure about mobile.

For me, that link just redirects to his normal blog. I tried it in both Chrome and Firefox on desktop and even checked my settings in case anything there might be affecting it, but there was nothing I saw that seemed relevant.

It’s doing the same for me now, I think the blog owner has disabled their archive page :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Hi all, thanks for trying to defend against plagiarism. This is the first and only site I’ve posted my stories to, and it’s disheartening to see this happening. I have other stories I’d love to write and share, but have paused because of these types of violations and bad behavior. But on a positive note, it’s truly encouraging to feel the support of other authors here, defending our space. Thank you again.

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Well it seems like he’s switched CYOC branches. :roll_eyes:

Ouch. But in today’s world, if you put something on the web, this type of stuff will likely happen. Sooner or later. We can’t expect everyone to be a decent human being. Most aren’t.

And not very good ones either…

Hopefully Tumblr takes the DMCA requests seriously.

Having a desire to be praised for creating art but lacking the patience or talent to make it yourself is a nasty combination.

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