Helping find stories

Do you know how to find it on nifty?

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Well I linked it. Here is the link again.


Iā€™m looking for a story about a guy that receives a link or a disc with videos of a guy being tortured and fucked when he begs them to stop, he ends up going to where they make the videos and they put him in one and he loses the challenge.

I am looking for a story. It might be one of yours. In it a group office workers play poker and they are betting using their attributes, e.g. blonde hair. One of office workers plays and wins thus becoming the CEO. Does this sound familiar to you?

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Is it " Strip Poker - Self-Sacrificeā€?

Try the search function with ā€œ+poker +hairā€ or similar.

Oh hey so do you guys remember a story. Its set in a frat. Two dudes are assigned to be both ends of a horseā€™s costume. They are hypnotized an the quiet back end fucks the more jockish front end who thinks he is a mare. They fuck the whole night long. At the end the frat leader goes to the room to undo it but the backend guy, now all dominant, covers his ears so he isnā€™t tranced.


I absolutely remember that story but the details are lost on me.

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For the record the story is ā€œFront Horse, Back Horseā€ by InBetween and it has long been removed from GSS. Unfortunately and sadly and annoyingly.

It really was a good story!

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Hi! Been looking for this story for a bit, I can only remember a bit of it but essentially a part of it ends up being an older brother who is in the army gets hypnotized into loving the mind controller more then the older brothers younger brother(who is also hypnotized) sorry not the best description, I just remember it was really hot, and I couldā€™ve sworn it was a story by edlam but itā€™s not on his author page so it mustā€™ve been someone else with a similar writing style.

Doesnā€™t fit perfectly, but could you mean the second and third chapters of Motivational Speaker? Robin and I worked together on the first chapter, but the second/third involves the older brother of the original guy enslaving his hero, who was going to join the Marines, to the tist.

This is the link for Motivational Speaker. Like EdIam, Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s what youā€™re thinking of, but I thought Iā€™d save you the trouble of searching for it because it can be a little hard to track down with three different authors. :slight_smile:

THATS IT, holy crap thank you.


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I got you, friend


I wish i was as lucky in being able to read the story I wanted.

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Man, no one writes depravity like you dude, just finished reading chapter 3 and it was as good as o remembered.


This makes me insanely proud. Iā€™m a sexual health nurse in my every day life, so Iā€™m mighty proud of the fact that Iā€™m helping so many have orgasms around the world. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Sexual Health nurseā€¦ Wow. The perfect job for someone whoā€™s into these kinks and writing erotic stories.

And you certainly triggered more orgasms than 99% of the rest of the human race (fairly safe bet there, I guessā€¦ - just with your stories!)


Not only a sexual health nurseā€¦a sexual health nurse at a clinic aimed at the LGBT community :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hi.Iā€™m looking for a story about a a guy who accompanies a friend/brother.or simply another guy,ā€¦to a frat party for potential new frat members. This other guy (Will?) has psychic or other powers he does not always like using,until heā€™s coaxed to a point heā€™s corrupted into liking using them,and begins to change the other frat members,much to the concern of the main character who accompanied him to the frat party.

I know itā€™s a vague description,but maybe it will jog someones memory?

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Maybe since you put that post you alredy found the story but this one seems very similar to your description, if this is not the one and you found it please share it!