Werewolf/Supernatural Mind control

I’d say disobeying their masters is almost unthinkable. Maybe that’s what the potion does: destroys the bonds between the “Wild” and his pack then reattaches the threads to the human making them as precious to the wolf as all the pack member combined.

Can an unbonded wolf still talk? I think it should, but then again it also makes sense that they can’t form speech with their canine mouths. It could also be another reason that humans might view them as beasts they’re giving a purpose to.

Not really remembering their past lives makes sense as they might question where they are now. However knowledge of dens and those they knew might be useful to getting more slaves so why remove it? Maybe they remember the past but the potion and new bond makes it seem unimportant. Their past only exists to serve the master. They’ll reflect on it only on command.

Definitely agree on the “Free” having lots of different roles, including helping to capture other “Wild”. Maybe they also desire their masters touch even if it’s just them putting their hand on their wolf’s shoulder.

Maybe the human needs a specific gene for a wolf to become bonded to them.

I think it should just be one wolf to start off with. It makes sense for the character to be out in the wilderness because I think it would be good if they met the Wild before they became a Free to help establish what the wolf was like before he was brainwashed. Maybe a rarely seen enforcer or alpha thats taking revenge on the caravan for what the humans have done.

Another idea I had was about a member of the higher class who had been promised a puppy for his birthday but doesn’t like any of the choices available. This changes when a lone Wild breaks into the city to rescue his younger brother from being brainwashed.

The device the wolves are strapped into, while the potion does it’s work, was something like the animus from the Assassin’s Creed movie but with extra flexible restraints on their arms and legs as well as a helmet with wires coming out as well as a mouthpiece feeding them more potion.
Like this - https://theinsightfulpanda.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/assassins-creed-movie-animus.png

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I like your point about what the potion does, I think that makes perfect sense. I think taking an already existing essential trait and twisting who it applies to is perfect.

Hmm on the power of speech for an unbonded wolf. I like the idea of them speaking, as it shows their capability, but also like it being a trait brought it in the process. I have to think on it but I think it would be cool if they spoke.

Yeah good point on memory. I like the idea of them keeping old memories but they seem washed and faded. Only relevant if brought out by master. I couk d see a hunter wolf serving a hunter human having there memories of their old hunts beimg brought front and center. But not say memories of the hunt for a wolf who is now serving a blacksmith.

I like them being touch focused, a rub or pat or simple gesture plus words like good boy and such are the most amazing rewards for them. Maybe it gives them happy feeling, even a sense of euphoria.

I like there being something in humans that make the bonding possible. Over years of living in this area has led to a majority of this in this citystate having it, which is why it’s rarer elsewhere.

I agree. But maybe it could be two wolves at first, as a sort of “woah this is possible, he is special”. But yeah I think beimg assaulted by a Wild first makes sense. And it’s fun.

I like your second idea very much too. What an interesting set up. I like the idea of said guy getting both brother wolves in the end. Imagine him telling the two to remember their relation, be playful with each other, and very thankful for him keeping them together.

The second idea and first idea could both happen. In the aftermath of bonding the second guy is told to aid the first guy in getting comfortable in the citystate.

Interesting on the tech design. It makes sense it would hold on to legs, arms, and head. Hehe is a question, are they on their humanoid form at this time or dies the shift occur during thus process. Because if so the device needs to be able to modify it’s presence as the feral wolf changes into the humanoid wolf. But not a bad idea as a method to hold them steady as the potion does it’s work.

Oh an idea. During the initial changing phase the secretions of a wolf can be highly contagious and maybe dangerous - hence the restraint. But at one point a wolf manages to get free before the full mind whammy takes hold. He escapes, gets out the city, and makes into the wilderness where he comes upon a Free. Not long after the mental change takes hold, thd y fight, the now Free fights the Wild and in the process gay his sweat and saliva and cum on and in him. He starts to change to and so when soldiers find them the master gets two for one.

Okay so gender talk. I figure that female wolves stay in camp and so don’t get bonded. But can female humans bond to wolves. It could be easy for us to say no, that genetically it’s on the y chromosome which females don’t have. Which I’m actually fine with. Thoughts.

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In the first story, maybe the main character is someone who to see outside the city thats felt like a prison all his life, but the government says it’s suicide unless you have a wolf with you. His cravan gets attacked by the Wilds and the hunters come in to defend them. The wolves rebel leader kills the leader of the hunters and then corners the main character who has no choicew but to pick up the leaders weapon, gets lucky and captures the Wild. He declines to become a hunter, but is told that since he captured the Wild, he has first dibs on it.

If the pack bonds have been severed by the potion and the past is only important if the master commands it, then why would the brothers care if they were together or not? I don’t think it would bother them if they ever saw each other again. Unless the master commanded them to pretend they care. Would the master suddenly want the younger brother, despite rejecting him as a choice before just because he decided he wanted them both as a set. I still think starting with one wolf is better, but later it might be interesting to see how being enslaved affects the wolves personalities so you could bring in the younger brother then. Maybe the brothers looked out for one another when they were Wild, but now only see each other as competition for their master’s affection.

Yep, I agree with the gene being on the Y chromosome. That’s a good explanation.

The helmet on the tech doesn’t have to be metal. It could be a stong flexible mesh that can change when the wolf transforms.

I like the story set up. Though I think I might be better if he came from another city, so he is sort of new to the whole wolf thing. Though of course he knows about it and has seen them before.

But yeah his caravan attacked, the leader killed, he picks up the hunters special tools, and subdues the Wilds pack leader by stint of a pheromone bomb. His actions lead to a few wolf captures, though most escape. Once at the city, with caravan and wolves in tow, he is offered the right of first choice on the pack leader. He accepts and the bonding works and we see the transformation. Whoch starts a new life as he gains the right of automatic citizenship.

You make a good point based on what I said, but I like the idea of feelings siblings and family still somewhat mattering. Now normally it’s a simple recognition but when both serve the same master or their masters are close the feelings resurface - though actions recognizing it happen if masters care.

Maybe a tradition is forming for family lines of humans to try and pick at least once from a similar family line of wolves. Which is possible as wolves breed young and repeatedly. Maybe such ties make the transfer even more, though the Free serve a particular human master he feels honor in that his brother, father, and grandfather also serve the human’s lineage. The tribe is dead, long live the tribe.

I don’t personally want wolves who have the same master seeing each other as competition. They wouldn’t need to as they all serve the same master wholeheartedly. Jealousy is a non existent thing for them, at least within the bonds. Now if a master pet someone else’s wolf then the other wolves might wish it was them.

On the human dismissing all the other wolves still picking the younger brother, well I figured maybe he hadn’t been presented yet. Like h had just been brought into the city walls, the older brother secretly followed and ran into the human, who used a scent potion to captivate him and then work to bond him. As thus was going on he learned about the brother and looked for him, choosing to bond to him as well.

Cool, so the genetic marker is on the y chromosome. Neat.

I like the idea of it being a mesh, one with scent nodules and light crystals designed to aid the process.

Now here is a question, what is the state between the citystates. Ate they good friends and allies, neutral to each other, enemies, or a mix. Also how far and wide is the whole wolf bonding system.

I agree on the MC being from a different city. Then the audience can learn everything as he does.

Think I might have to disagree with you on this. Status is very important with a wolf pack. There’s always a top dog and if one brother had a higher position in the pack then the same might be expected here. I imagine the older brother was an alpha to be once their father steped down and thus has an existing need to dominate or be that top dog. I like the idea of the mind control altering the characters personality and view of reality to the point where it makes them want different things such as to be the favourite. Maybe the younger brother deep down resented the older brothers strength and always being in his shadow, but valued their connection as more important. The brainwashing made that connection unimportant and as far as he’s concerned now, they’re both on an equal playing field. The master might command them to never get physical with each other, but they can still try to one up each other, by trying to be the better slave/servant/protector.

They have no bonds with each other as they’ve all been broken and redirected towards their master. Also, how can tradition be important unless the master deems it so.

I like your idea of lthe blacksmith and all these others professions having slaves and using them in different ways. I can see a master saying to the Wild before brainwashing, “I will become your everything and you will become my anything.”

The bonding probably happened mostly in the cities surrounded by forest. Though, I’d imagine wolves were given as gifts to leaders in other cities as peace offerings.

Exactly, which is a benefit.

I just don’t want jealousy between wolves of the same master. I don’t mind good baryred competition and such but the idea of “how dare master pay attention to x and not me” doesn’t interest me. Rather I prefer “we all serve master so it’s a joy to play with those already chosen.” Not backstabbing or angry, just playful fun and “look master my hole is the best”

Your right on traditions and social development and how the bond destroys any bonds that might have existed before. It creates new bonds between master and wolf and maybe also between wolves of the same master. So in the case of the brothers it found the old ties and used it, but with a twist.

Actually I like this - the transference doesn’t destroy old bonds it shifts them, twists them, modifies them. Because the foundations are natural the soul doesn’t fight it like it would if it was completely new.

So in some ways the new Free wolf is a caricature of who they were. While becoming improved and better and stronger.

I like the quote from the blacksmith, very cool and quite poetic.

Yeah on the location. I’m imaging our main city the existing on a plateau rise overlooking a vast forest. Access is by a river to one side and a ramp leading down the cliff on another which heads to a trade road in the forest. The plateau itself contains both the city center, a surrounding suburban zone, and a large rural farming district.

We might struggle to agree on this. Having the brothers in conflict builds tension in the story. What if it was too Alphas from rival wilderness packs? Have you got any ideas for building drama instead?

How would the brother characters be different from each other? If they act the same, there’s no point in having them both in the story.

I’d imagine during the process, the bonds are destroyed so the wolf feels lost until they are reattached to their master, anchoring them and making them feel complete and strong.

Not just the blacksmith, any master could say it.

I’ve been following thread silently until now. To my mind, it seems that the significance and symbolism of a wolf has gotten lost. A wolf is a a wild animal. There have been recent articles on attempts to domestic wolves to understand the theoretical transition to domesticated dogs (which scientists hypothesize must have taken many thousands of years). But the two species are really quite distinct.

Wolves are wild animals that can’t be domesticated. That is their intrinsic nature and character. How much more so does this apply to werewolves where presumably the wildness is enhanced and endowed with human irrationality. So if you have a story where werewolves are slaves, or otherwise following orders - it goes against what a werewolf is and potentially makes their use in the story pointless.

Thanks for posting.

From my limited research, you’re correct. They’re still not sure how the wolf became the domesticated dog.

However as far as we know, werewolves don’t exist. I know it must seem like a cop out to say things are different because this a fantasy world and not an exact reflection of ours but until I think of something else, that’s the truth. The wolves in this world have the ability of human speech and are not purely instinct driven and so may have minds that can be molded with mind control. That’s not to say there wasn’t failure in getting to this step. I’d imagine when they were first experimenting, they accidently turned many werewolves into empty shells and mindless beasts.

Also the science is different in this fantasy world. Our world never used mind altering drugs or mind control collars to turn the wolf into the dog. In my opinion this allows for the suspension of disbelief, but if it doesn’t for you then that’s fine.

The complete and total mind control I enjoy isn’t possible in our world either, but that doesn’t stop me from fantisizing about it in my stories.

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Oh hey. Wow so suddenly it seems I stopped getting update messages and so didn’t realize that other comments were made after mine. So my bad.

SilentNobody, while I don’t prefer boys in the same harem or pack having infighting issues it’s not to say that I’m against the setting having them. Which may seem like backsliding on comments but well, shrug.

So basically one master might make it so all his wolves don’t feel jealous but are happy to share while another master specifically doesn’t care so old instincts still apply while a third wants competition as he thinks it breeds more fun. If we play up these differences we could create one variation that is fun to read.

I will say a bond doesn’t have to be destroyed but rather cut loose and wiggling free till the new master adds it to where he wants to.

On what Nycboot says well I agree with SilentNobody. Though we call them wolves they aren’t really that, at least not on a level of them being animals.

I like the idea of the prototypes. Some might even still exist which might be useful to see.

Hmm. So another question wbat does bonding to a wild give to a human. I think maybe some enhancements of body, including better health. Nothing overt just a bit boosted.

I also really like the supercharged nature. Bigger and tougher trees and animals in forests muxh more primeval.

Is there any point to having a strong wolf if you yourself are just going to gain strength from the bond? I agree that it should be anything big.

Do the werewolves live longer? If so, maybe that extended lifespan is shared with the master?

Maybe the master has the ability to see through the wolf’s eyes if the Free has been sent away on a mission or they are separated.

Yeah your right on what get strength if your wolf does.

But I think maybe fast healing, longer lifespan, and tap into bonded Frees senses at a distance. Not just sight but smell and hearing too, maybe even taste as that could be fun. Maybe a master (need a better word, hmm) could also manipulate the Free at a distance - and by that I mean a pat/rub, and act of pleasure or pain.

What are your thoughts on them sharing thoughts, that is mind talk. I think it might fit as well, but it happens at normal speeds.

I think we need a term for the wolf species, the master, and the bond. Maybe even something identifying a human who can bond with a wolf.

Also how magical is this world. Like is the potion and supernatural abilities of the wolfs all there are or does spellcasters exist.

I was thinking that maybe hed process thst changes and binds a wolf to man is a very pleasurable experience.

How do you pat them at a distance?

I’m not sure a human would know how to interpret the smells and tastes the wolf experienced.

Maybe the more slaves you have, the longer your lifespan, but it’s a closely guarded secret among the elite.

Master. Owner. Tamer. Could call them “Guides” or “Tutors/Teachers” as they may believe they are teaching the wolves to be civilised.

Maybe there were wizards in this world, but they died out and this is all that remains of their knowledge. Or maybe they had died out after having an accident with some wolf DNA that forever changed them. Hmm…

What do you think is the technology level in this world? Do they have cars? TVs?

I’m not sure about pleasurable. Having all your pack bonds broken then reattached sounds painful to me. I suppose that period after they’ve been broken, the wolf might feel lost, floating in a void with no meaning or purpose. Another reason for the machine restraining them is that wolves during this period injure themselves or even commit suicide. Then slowly as the new bond is formed the wolf begins to feel anchored to reality again, but they still don’t trust the new bond. This is when the new master has to speak to them as they are high suggestable during this stage.

Do you think at the collaring ceremony, maybe there’s a friendly competition where a new master shows off their wolf’s fighting ability against another?

On range touch it’s basically a psychic connection, the master thinks of patting the wolf and the wolf feels like he is being touched. It’s not essential but it could be fun.

Hmm. I could see that. Though I admit to liking the idea of the master spelling and tasting things better do to the bond.

Oh I like this. So at one you get better healing and resistance and maybe an easier time living to the human lifespan. Two or more could give regeneration, immunity and maybe additional decades to centuries of physically fit life. This is definetly a secret.

Maybe Shaper could be used for the guy who makes the potion and uses it and the device on the wolf.

I like Guide and maybe Rector, as the teach the once Wild to be Free and civilized.

I both options are really really interesting. The second one because of how things connect in intriguing ways. So maybe in the present very very simple magical effects exist but the greater ones are locked away do to some Mysterious Past. One which either came from or led to the current state of the Wilds.

I was thinking Roman / Medieval tech with some advantages due to the old magic and current wolves. Definetly no guns!

Okay so take your paragraph of the claiming and add my note of it feeling good to the end wgere the new master talks to the wolf. As ge talks, which I basically hypnotic induction, more and more pleasure is felt. So it feels painful, they loose reason, but then there new state slowly comes over them as the pleasure and happiness rise.

I think this process is one without watching. The Shaper, maybe an apprentuce, the new Rector, and the wolf.

I like the idea of a public collaring ceremony. One with say a number of fun activities, including nude wrestling bit also other athletic competitions. Proving ones worth is very important at this time, as is the reward / gentle its okay that comes with victory or defeat.

It’s hard not to add a few comments. :slight_smile: The bonding idea sounds very hot. To me it’s obvious to think of how it might pan out. (Or that I’m too familiar with horror films of the 1930s.) I’m thinking especially of elements of THE WOLFMAN (1935) and DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE (1932). The dichotomy in the latter film is that the Jekyll represents the rational, the logical, the controlled and understanding aspects of a human. Dr. Hyde on the other hand, represents the irrational, the suppressed, and of course sexual lust set free.

So if you have a wolf bonding to a man, it could be based on similar notions: the man, proper, controlled, rational, bonding with an animal that wants to release its animalistic (and sexual) urges. I’m sure one could think of many additional pairs of attributes (e.g. vegetarian vs. meat eater, kind vs. angry/ferocious, etc.) The interest would be in the man’s struggle to deal with these attributes - not wanting and yet wanting to embrace them.

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@nycboot First, awesome. And your totally and completely welcome to post and comment here. This isn’t just ours, it’s open.

So I’m glad you commented. I really am.

Especially as it made me realize that we were so focused on how the man changes the wolf. He takes the Wild and turns him Free, he rewrites who the wolf was and makes him new, and he gives him humanoid form.

That’s all great but yeah a man connecting to the wolf is going to get some of the wolf in him. I think this isn’t talked about, yet is fully real.

What the man gets is an interesting question, one I look forward to hearing others have to say. I will firmly say I like the idea it brings out the sexual drive.

But it’s a really great point.

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Do you guys know Gabriel Knight, the 90es adventure series? Especially the second episode, where the main protagonist, a US playboy with German roots is returning to his origin and finds an ancient circle of werewolfs in Bavaria (actually right where I’m living by the way).

Even (in)famous Ludwig II supposedly was a werewolf according to this story. In the end Gabriel himself is turned into one…

It’s one of the more fascinating stories about this theme, because it has a lot of homoerotic undertones and would fit perfectly, since Gabriel himself is about to be turned from the straight macho into a hot male gay werewolf… even though this is just hinted at, of course, without spelling it out directly.

It’s still a 90ies mainstream Sierra PC Game after all… But there are some parts that might inspire your story.

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I do, I know that game though it’s been a long time since I got to the werewolf part. Now I’m going to have to watch the game again as such material is quite fun to go through.

Plus, as you say and I agree with, he is quite hot. :slight_smile:

So cool on you being in Bavaria, thays very nifty.

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Maybe just the sensation of their master’s mind touching theirs on such an intimate level is pleasurable.

Where did you get “Rector” from? Need to be careful with all these terms otherwise the audience will get confused about which term means what. Either introduce them slowly or make it obvious what they’re supposed to mean.

Yeah, I’m leaning towards the idea of the Wilds being the descendants of the wizards who accidently transformed their entire people by accident and then gave themselves over to their feral instincts. Their magical affinity passed down from their wizard ancestors are why the potion can affect them. Could call them the “Feral”. I think it rolls off the tougue easier the “Wild”. Perhaps the original intention of the humans was to change them back and restore their humanity, but they only ended making servants of them.

Maybe the hunters could just have devices/guns that shoot nets. Also bombs filled with a special herb that overwelms their noses.

Public activities and competitions sound like a must. I agree. Like strength competitions. How much can your wolf lift?

Not sure if I agree with the man being affected in such a way.

Gonna have to check that game out.


We were talking about names for the master and you aid guide, which led me to teacher, which is Rector. It’s not a random nane drop, it’s the human equivalent of the Free.

This is an interesting way to go about it. I like. We’re the wizards human or of another species, like elf or something. But I like the idea that it was a mistake and they became the Ferals.

Maybe the Wild could be the natural supercharged energy of the world.

I also like the attempt was to transform them back but that the too much Wild energy in the Ferals led to twisting and the subjugation.

I’m fine with net launchers.

And I super like ‘bombs’ with potions filled with herbs that ensnare the senses. Maybe makes them high, and thus easier to get ready for processing.

Exactly. Fun activity to show off the new wolf.