Site Updates Pt. 2


Added two new options in the theme menu, to disable all images (called “SFW Mode”) and to reduce the UI a bit (read, liked & bookmark icons are hidden):


The setting is only saved as a cookie, because it’s probably more useful as a browser and device setting (like you want to have SFW on a mobile phone but not at home).


Perfect! Yes, I do want this for my phone, and not on my desktop. Great addition!

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Hey there,

Just wanted to give @Corin a heads up that I’m noticing that series that are getting updated that I’ve read everything previouly are showing the solid green checkbox as opposed to the hollow green box, making it seem as if I’ve read the latest story. Obviously I’m able tell that it’s new content, but just want you to be aware that the system does not appear to be working as intended. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Chris, but that’s not only intentional but exactly what I wanted to tell the user:

The filled checkmark means: You’ve read everything before that latest chapter, so you’re now ready to read this new chapter.

If the box would be hollow, it means that you’re not up to date on this series and might want to have a look which chapters you missed.

If you’ve also read the latest chapter as well, the checkmark will appear on the story as well.

I hope that makes sense :slight_smile:

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Okay in that case, I’ll be honest and say that the system is not very intuitive then. To me it would be easier to realize that there’s a new story to read if the check box wasn’t filled in once there’s something new to read, as a notifcation that the latest chapter is in fact new and hasn’t been read.

Just my personal feedback. I’ve read the convo above and realize there’s not going to a perfect solution.

How would you then discern “everything read up until the latest chapter, so go ahead and read it” and “some chapters read, please catch up first to read the latest chapter”?

Rememer this is on the “Latest story” tab, where new chapters are listed, where people want to get informed about new chapters to their series. On all other places, it works exactly as you’ve been expecting it.

I’m not sure that matters as much as the distinction between being caught up or being not caught up. Often stories get updated several days in a row, and so if I’ve read Fridays chapter, for example and then see the solid check mark when it’s been updated on saturday, I’m gonna assume it’s fridays chapter. On the other hand, If i’m seeing a story on the front page with a hollow check mark, whether it’s the latest chapter I have to read or if I’m a few chapters behind, I know there’s still content for me to read.

In case you’ve actually read ALL stories including the latest, this can be seen because then there’s a checkmark on the STORY, too.

So you have these states:

  • No checkmark: Series has never been touched
  • Hollow checkmark on series: You have read some chapters but you’re not up to date, catch up before you read that latest chapter which was just published
  • Filled checkmark on series: You have read all previous chapters of this series, so you can start to read this new chapter which was just published!
  • Filled checkmark on series AND on the latest story: Nothing new, you’ve read it all, move on.

Whatever I change, you’d lose information.

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Ahh you know I’d missed the fact that a check mark gets added next to the chapter once you’ve read the latest. That does clarify some things.

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It has been a while, but I’ve made a small update which warrants a little posting:

@TickledPink requested a feature (here).

He wanted to create a “choose your own adventure” type story, for that he needed a way to create links which move to other parts withing the same chapter and he wanted to be able to create sections which are hidden by default until the user clicks the title of that section.

Both is now possible using some new Markdown extensions.

Collapsible sections

To create a collapsed text, simply use the following format:

+++ Title of section
Text which is hidden by default and will be shown when the user clicks the title

This would look and work similar like this:

Title of section Text which is hidden by default and will be shown when the user clicks the title

The title can also be a headline, which would highlight it and also makes it possible to link to it. Example:

+++ #### This is a headline
Text which is hidden by default and will be shown when the user clicks the title

(the 4 hashmarks will create a 4th level headline, i.e. one that isn’t too bold)

The editor also has a new button which inserts a template for such a hidden section:

Anchors and linking to them

Each headline will now automatically receive an id to be linked to. The id is basically the text of the headline itself with spaces replaced by -

So if you have a headline like
#### This is my headline

You can create a link to it like this:
[go to my headline](#this-is-my-headline)

This would create a link called go to my headline. (Don’t click, it doesn’t work here :slight_smile: ).
If the user clicks it, the browser simply scrolls to the “This is my headline”.

If you want, you can even create ids yourself, so you don’t have to deal with these unwieldy ids based on the headline’s text. To do that, use the format

#### Some headline {#myid}

In this example, the headline can be linked to using “#myid”.

I know this doesn’t concern like 99% of all users and authors, but I’m really looking forward to what @TickledPink will do with it :slight_smile:

With this update, the problem that quoted section

like this

weren’t rendered correctly has been fixed as well.


Oh my god excellent.

Wait, I gotta try this out cause it gives me an idea.

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Like this’ll be great for optional exposition for readers who wanna know stuff, versus readers who just wanna get on with things.


This is fantastic, thank you. And the rendering of the arrows is also good as it provides slightly more of an obvious cue that it’s an interactive part than the little arrows in the default markdown do.

Thanks so much. I’ll try to make sure it’s worth the work.

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In case you get to try it out before I do., can you show me what it looks like in the middle of sentences?

I’m especially curious about (for example) highlight certain words for exposition.

The collapsible feature only works on whole sections, i.e. it needs a paragraph break, it doesn’t work inline (I wouldn’t know how this would look anyway).

To highlight a part within a text block, you still need to use the normal text decoration stuff, bold, italic, underline, highlight, etc.

An inline version for the collapsible ones doesn’t work, no. But if you do want an inline method of providing more detail on specific words for exposition, there is the footnote option, which would allow you to give more info at the bottom of the page (with a link to bring you back to the word once you’ve read the extra exposition). Whether that’s a solution though depends on what you’re aiming for.

Defined Publish Dates

The feature requested here Planned Publishing Date? - Site Feedback - Community for Gay Kinky Stories is now implemented and has been rolled out.

On the story create and edit dialog, you’ll find a new field:

This field is optional, if you don’t fill it, the system will work as before - the story is listed in public right after the story has been approved.

Alternatively, you can add a date and hour (or click the widget on the right to get a date selection dialog) in this field. If you do, the story will remain unlisted even after it has been approved. It will become listed as soon as the given date has been reached. That way you can control the exact moment your story becomes public.

Please note some details:

  • There must be at least 5 days between the time you click ‘publish’ and the given publishing date. This is necessary to give the team enough time to approve the story. The date will be automatically adjusted accordingly.

  • You can still edit the publishing date even after you’ve clicked “Publish”.

  • You’ll get a mail once the story is actually listed in public.

To implement this, I had to change a lot of the inner workings of the site, especially how stories are tagged in the database, how the lists of published stories are created, the whole publishing and approval process and so on.

Despite my tests, I would be surprised if there’s no serious bug lingering somewhere. So please let me know if you see anything that’s broken or feels strange to you. And I’m sorry for any kind of problems you might encounter.


What should I say?

At first… I’m speechless…

2nd: Thank you so much!

Your system says, Publishing date has to be 5-60 days in future.
But the latest publishing date I can set is Fenruary 15th.

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Dude you rock!


Dang it, @Corin .

I told myself today was the day I catch up on real work, and you go and publish an update that makes me want to finish the 7 different stories I’m juggling since I can now plan their release date. Why do you insist on distracting me by making it easier to do what I want (write) instead of work?

Seriously though, amazing feature and impressive speed to develop it. Thank you!